Our highly trained service technicians will take all necessary precautions while working in your home or business using their PPE.
Having your AC ducts sanitized and installing an Ultra Violet Light will help your family breathe easier with cleaner air.
Blue-Tube UV is the single most popular germicidal UV light product for HVAC systems in the world. Home owners breathe easy knowing that the air their family breathes is protected by this proven technology.
Blue-Tube UV is the simple, safe, and effective way to keep your air system clean and improve indoor air quality.

Blue-Tube UV is installed in the central air system where it works continuously to fight mold and other biological contaminants in the air and on HVAC system interior surfaces, particularly the cooling coil.
For over a century scientists have known that certain frequencies of light have a devastating effect on microbial life. We now know that exposure to ultraviolet light in the range of 254 NM (UV-C band) disrupts the DNA of micro-organisms thus preventing them from reproducing, thereby effectively killing them.